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Martha Susana Schott Covo

Martha Susana Schott Covo

Formación académica

University of Southern California (USC) – Los Ángeles, California
May. 2012 Masters in Architecture
2010-2012 College of Architecture Scholarship

Georgia Institute of Technology – Atlanta, Georgia
May. 2010 Bachelor in Science and Architecture
2006-2010 Mary White Staton & Albert Staton Scholarship
2006-2010 Dean List Award + Internacional Golden Key Honor Society + Tech Tower Awards

Project coordination, Environmental systems, Passive Architecture design, Construction Techniques, Structures (concrete, Steel, Wood), Construction systems, parametricism, Furniture design, photography.

Currently she is Independent Design – Cartagena, Colombia, Architect- Designer.
Started an independent design firm in Cartagena, Colombia. From the date she started working as an independent architect she have designed several single-family houses, all of them done in Revit from the beginning to end, currently two under construction. A three story office area for an insurance company in Barranquilla, Colombia (1,100 square meter). Designed and oversaw the construction of a two-story Commercial complex in Cartagena, Colombia which completed construction on December 2016 (1,600 square meters).


Información de contacto

Correo: marthasschott@gmail.com