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Revista TESEA

About the Journal

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications (TESEA) publishes peer-reviewed articles reporting on research, development, and applications on energy systems covering all areas of engineering and applied mathematics. The journal editor will enforce standards and a review policy to ensure that papers of high technical quality are accepted. The journal is published by the Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar.

In addition to original research articles, Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications also publishes focused review articles that examine the state of the art, identify emerging trends, and suggest future directions for developing fields.

Major topics

The scope of this journal covers the following applied mathematics and energy systems topics regarding engineering applications:

Electrical engineering

  • Power systems, smart grids, and microgrids.
  • Control of power electronic converters.
  • Electronic design.
  • Electric mobility.
  • Electric machines.
  • Energy storage.
  • Power electronic converters.
  • Transportation systems and rural electrification.
  • Linear and nonlinear control.


Mechanical engineering and thermal sciences

  • Renewable energy and non-renewable energy.
  • Thermoeconomic assessment.
  • Mechanical design.
  • Finite element analysis.


Measurement systems and instrumentation

  • Signal processing.
  • Metrology and instrumentation.
  • Applied artificial intelligence.

Sustainable manufacturing and materials science

Mathematical optimization and numerical methods

In addition, other related or emergent topics are welcomed. 


Andrés Marrugo

Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar, Colombia.


Policies of Ethical and Scientific Integrity

The Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications (The Journal) editorial team is committed to the highest ethical standards, quality editing, and authorship practices by adhering to the principles of COPE: the Committee on Publication EthicsSingapore Statement on Research Integrity, and the ELSEVIER: Publishing Ethics Resource Kit, and the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT), which is expressed in the following criteria:

Authors are considered to be those who have made a significant contribution to the research process, writing, presentation, and adjustment of the manuscript according to the Contributor Roles Taxonomy (CRediT). Authors are requested to indicate in their submission letter the contribution or role of each author in the manuscript (link).

Authors are presented in the order previously established by them and should include the following information:

  • Pen name (as they sign all their scientific production, vg ORCID name).
  • E-mail address.
  • Institutional affiliation (includes city and country affiliation).
  • ORCID code.

It is understood that the author who sends the manuscript or uploads it to the journal platform assumes the role of the corresponding author and thus has the responsibility of correspondence throughout the editorial process.


The articles submitted to Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications must be original and unpublished and must not have been submitted or be currently under review for publication in other scientific publications. They must be submitted with the consent of all the authors, and they all must commit to maintaining such conditions until a final decision is made as to whether accept or turn down its publication.


The authors must make a commitment to the journal to provide retractions or corrections of errors at any stage of the process. In the event they are detected, the requests must be made by e-mail to the editor, who shall proceed in accordance with the Publications Ethics policy.


The authors must specify the sources of financing for the research from which the submitted article is derived (research typology), to which end they must specify: the title of the project, the entity or person who financed it, and the project code or identifier (optional).


The received articles will be identified with a code and will be initially reviewed by the journal’s Editor and/or Assistant Editor to verify the relevance of the subject matter, the application of standards, and the scientific structure before initiating the peer review process (single-blind) and its possible publication.


The reviewers’ results will be forwarded to the authors to perform the respective corrections as a condition for accepting the paper through the OJS journal management platform. Because it is a peer-reviewed journal, Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications shall take into consideration the peer reviews for the effects of the publication decision.


Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0). The works published in Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications can be shared, copied, and distributed in any medium or format. The Journal authorizes the adaptation, remixing, transformation, and creation from parts of the work. By agreeing to this license, the previous principles cannot be revoked. The authors retain the copyright and grant exclusive publishing rights to the journal Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications. In case of non-acceptance, the copyrights are returned to the authors.


The Editorial and Scientific Committee reserves the right to change the title and body of accepted articles and to make any editing changes it considers appropriate, aiming to improve the article’s clarity as much as possible. Consequently, authors are advised to carefully draft and spell-check their articles, to use short and homogeneous paragraphs, and to make adequate use of punctuation.

The Journal Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications (TESEA) acknowledges the increasing use of artificial intelligence (AI) tools in research publications. We fully endorse the COPE position statement on the use of AI tools in research and join other organizations, such as WAME and the JAMA Network, in stating that AI tools cannot be listed as an author of a paper.


AI tools do not meet the criteria for authorship as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work. They are not legal entities and therefore cannot declare the presence or absence of conflicts of interest or manage copyright and license agreements.


Authors who utilize AI tools in their research, including but not limited to the production of graphical elements or images, writing of the manuscript, or collection and analysis of data, must provide full transparency in disclosing the use of the AI tool in the Materials and Methods (or similar) section of the paper.


The authors are solely responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts generated by AI tools, and are therefore accountable for any violation of publication ethics.

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications declares that plagiarism is unacceptable, implying that all articles submitted to the review process must have fulfilled the following prior to their acceptance.


Articles submitted to Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications must be original and unpublished with the consent of all authors. Therefore, authors are requested to use the submission letter format in which they commit to these criteria. The journal will not publish articles previously published in another language.


The fragmentation of large papers may confuse readers or be detected as plagiarism, thus not complying with the established criteria of originality. Therefore, authors are requested to include the respective citations in case their work mentions previous publications. Likewise, the author must be available for requests from the editorial staff and peer reviewers regarding previously published works on the subject.


All articles will undergo a strict peer review process and be submitted to the iThenticate® plagiarism detection software. If the article does not meet the specified originality criteria, it will be declared inadmissible for publication. If the article has already been published in the journal, it will be withdrawn from the respective volume in which it is available.


Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications is committed to its community and, therefore, will implement necessary retractions and corrections to ensure the journal’s transparency and due process in any case of errata detected or reported.


The authors are responsible for the material included in their work, such as tables, graphs, photos, figures, and other content necessary for the development of the publication, and declare that these do not infringe copyright.


All articles will be subject to a strict peer review process and will be submitted to plagiarism detection software, which implies that there must be no cases of total or partial copying or paraphrasing without due references or any other information misuse or mismanagement practices.


In the event the article does not fulfill the originality criteria, it will not be published in the journal, or it will be removed from the journal in the event such defect is found after the article has been published.


The journal will also issue any appropriate retraction or other amendment required for the effects of good publishing practices.

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications only receives articles resulting from research of a scientific nature, and to this effect, the author must submit information on the research from which the paper is derived. Also, during the peer review process, the experts consider aspects such as: methodologies, presentation of results, argumentation, and derived conclusions to ensure the consistency and accuracy of the presented information, as well as its relevance and contribution to the field of study.


Authors are advised to have available evidence on the information used, because such information and data and other sources of the contents may be requested by the editor and/or the reviewers. Any manipulation, forgery, or fabrication of citations and data will be grounds to turn down the article.

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications establishes in its instructions for authors that the articles submitted for publication must not have been or be currently under review by other publications. The articles must be original and unpublished and must be submitted with the consent of all the authors, who must make a commitment to Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications to maintain such conditions until such time as a decision is made on whether or not it will be published.


The plagiarism management policy does not allow the publication of papers that do not adequately handle “paraphrasing.” In cases when the idea is derived from several articles, the original text must be cited using quotation marks, and an appropriation citation must be included.


The journal has also established that it will not publish articles that have been previously published in any language. Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications does not accept such an option.

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications establishes that all articles must be unpublished and original. Since the fragmentation of larger works may cause confusion for readers, authors are advised that if their work mentions other studies that have been previously published, adequate citations must be provided for such studies, and the same information should not be repeated because it could be detected as a match that runs against the originality criteria established by the journal. The author must also be available to reply to any inquiries from the publishing team and the peer reviewers regarding previous works published on the topic.


Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications has committed to the community to issue any retractions or erratum that may be required to ensure the journal’s transparency and due process in the event of any case that may be detected or reported.

Submissions to Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications based on reports submitted to or published in conference proceedings should adhere to the following guidelines:


Difference between proceedings and journal articles. Conference proceedings provide rapid reporting of ideas, techniques, and results. Often these reports are somewhat incomplete or inconclusive and vary from snapshots of recent work to the reporting of a completed project. Journal articles are expected to be original, complete, and polished.


Disclosure. If a manuscript (or portion of a manuscript) was previously published in a conference proceedings or is under consideration for publication in a conference proceedings, this information must be disclosed when the manuscript is initially submitted to Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications. Authors should also reference or acknowledge the prior proceedings article within the submitted journal article.

The complaint or appeal procedure begins through communication with the journal’s Editor Dr. Andres Marrugo, to the email tesea@utb.edu.co. The Editor will confirm by e-mail the receipt of the communication and evaluate the merits of the complaint or appeal, informing the Editorial Committee, which has a period of two weeks to decide on the matter.


The Committee may respond by closing the complaint or appeal or by initiating an investigation, which should be communicated to the parties by means of a report.


In the case of initiating an investigation, the parties will be asked to provide further background information or statements of objections based on which a decision will be made. This decision may include the rejection of the complaint, a request for further background information, or the approval of the complaint. In all cases, the decision will be communicated by means of the Committee meeting minutes.


When the information involves confirming the complaint or denunciation, the communication will be shared with the parties and the plaintiff’s affiliated institution.


If the complaint or appeal situation warrants it, an amendment or correction of the corresponding publication will be made in a retraction document in the following issue.

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications establishes strict criteria to avoid conflicts of interest during the article review process.


The Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications peer review process is single-blind by at least two referees selected by the Editor or Associate Editor based on their expertise in the topic. The journal ensures that the anonymized communication between authors and reviewers meets the appropriate academic criteria in relation to comments and evaluations of manuscripts. The criteria for establishing the results of the evaluation of a manuscript will be established in the peer review process section.


Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications ensures that there are no conflicts of interest in the peer review process, and to this effect it has established the following criteria:


  1. The selected peer reviewers with expertise in the subject matter of the article must have prior publications of scientific nature on the selected subject.
  2. For the effects of initiating the review process, its single-blind nature shall be verified, to ensure that the authors and the reviewers do not know each other’s identities, and to assure objectivity in handling the paper.
  3. Based on the reviewers’ opinions, a consensus will be reached with the editor to jointly determine whether the article is accepted without changes or accepted with changes (minor or substantial) to be made by the authors or turned down. The authors will receive the decision from the editor.


Authors should also have all required permissions to disclose any information that involves naming or mentioning other entities or persons and should clearly state any appropriate previous results used for the research, including informed consent and mentions or acknowledgments of sources of financing and persons who assisted in the research.


For additional information on the review process, please see our instructions for authors.

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications recommends that authors facilitate the exchange and reproducibility of data provided that this does not imply a breach of prior agreements on confidentiality and protection of the identity of research subjects. In any case, it should be considered that the data used may be requested by editors or evaluators as part of the review process. Authors can associate an article with the corresponding dataset by cross-referencing them. It is recommended that this cross-reference is in both directions: from the dataset to the article, as well as from the article to the dataset. Authors can deposit the dataset in the platform of their choice. Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications recommends using the Open Science Framework.

The Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications Editorial Board will request information from the authors regarding the ethical standards of the research, which should follow the principles of the Singapore Declaration on Integrity in Research.


When appropriate, authors should indicate the ethical procedures developed in their research and, at the request of the editors or reviewers, they should provide relevant information regarding the ethical safeguards developed, especially in all matters involving consent or assent or the authorization of the use of databases.


The use of photographs in which people appear must have the proper authorizations and must not generate any damage or harm to those who appear in the images.

All manuscripts published in The Journal are the sole responsibility of their authors and do not reflect the opinion of the Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications Editorial Board.


It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that the work is unpublished and original.


Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications is published under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license. In this way, the authors’ rights are safeguarded, and grant The Journal the property rights for its publication.

Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications promotes the generation of discussions and debates around the published manuscripts; therefore, when the Editorial Committee deems appropriate, responses or letters to the Editor will be published, which should be sent to the following e-mail address: Prof. Andrés Marrugo, tesea@utb.edu.co.


Post-publication corrections or requests for withdrawal of articles should be sent to the Editorial Committee at the previously indicated e-mail address, which will be evaluated according to the terms established in letter c) of this guideline.

Names and mailing addresses entered in this journal will be used exclusively for the purposes of the editorial process, including notices of new publications or calls for submissions, and will not be made available to any other purpose, person, or organization. Transactions on Energy Systems and Engineering Applications does not permit advertising or marketing on the journal site.

Previous issues